5 iPhone Apps for Travelling Myanmar / Burma
5 iPhone Apps for Travelling Myanmar / Burma
May 09, 2013 in iPhone, Apps
Want to get excited about your trip? Dreams of Burma by National Geographic fotopedia has some awesome pictures which might help giving you an idea where to to go.

Yangon Taxi Translator is big help, it provides an offline database of common addresses tourists and travelers might be interesting in Yangon. Press a button and show your driver a “taxi card” in Burmese writing. Costs $ 1.99

Dive Moken is a great free app, developed by our friends at Project Moken with the goal to create awareness for the situation of this small tribe in the Mergui Archipelago some people call “sea gypsies”. It features an amazing 3-minute shoot of Hook, a Moken fisher and free diver. Can you hold your breath as long as he can?

Myanmar HipHop is a collection and streaming service of – you might have guessed – Hip Hop from Myanmar, including some streaming services.

Myanmar Alphabet will cost you $ 1.99, but it might be the best way of learning Myanmar’s beautiful round letters, including pronunciation.